
UIImage 图片拉伸


  1. 灵活:对于一些带边框的背景图而言,如果不进行图片拉伸,每当改变 frame 时就需要一份新 size 的背景图
  2. 节约资源:对于一些比较规则的图片,没必须使用 frame 大小,而是使用一个满足拉伸条件的较小的图片进行拉伸,这样加载图片变快,而且图片大小变小


使用 - resizeableImageWithCapInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)capInsets,iOS 官方解释如下:

You use this method to add cap insets to an image or to change the existing cap insets of an image. In both cases, you get back a new image and the original image remains untouched.
During scaling or resizing of the image, areas covered by a cap are not scaled or resized. Instead, the pixel area not covered by the cap in each direction is tiled, left-to-right and top-to-bottom, to resize the image. This technique is often used to create variable-width buttons, which retain the same rounded corners but whose center region grows or shrinks as needed. For best performance, use a tiled area that is a 1x1 pixel area in size.

原理就是对 UIImage 指定了 Insets 后,在 Insets 中的区域不进行拉伸,只对区域外的部分进行拉伸。需要注意的有两点:

  1. UIEdgeInsetsMake 的四个参数从前到后依次是 top、left、bottom、right,不是成对的,别搞错了
  2. 拉伸的方式不是全方向一起拉伸!而是先左右拉伸,再上下拉伸,最后的结果是两次拉伸的叠加!不然会出现这样的问题
